Wednesday, 29 November 2017

HLC #5 A5. Design and create an artwork for the classroom.

A5. Design and create an artwork for the classroom.

Today I am designing an artwork for the year 7/8 hub. It probably won't go up on the wall or anything because I have made it at the END of the year so yeah. 
My design will say in the middle "Year 7/8 Hub" and it will have a pretty boarder and I will make it on paper.

HLC #4 C7. Start a new hobby, research it and make something to give to someone as a gift.

 C7. Start a new hobby, research it and make something to give to someone as a gift.

Today I chose to take up a new hobby for knitting!
 I have already created a scarf from scratch and I will give it to my sister for Christmas. I will also write a card regarding I made it myself and that it was for a home learning challenge to help get it for my distinction badge.

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Student Leader Chorus box meeting #10

      Student Leader Chorus box meeting #10 

Today we had a short meeting; one, about if we got our excellence badges and who hasn't got them, and two, the chorus box ideas. Four people each day are going out to the chorus box on Ensign street to paint the first two coats on. Then i'm going out (maybe with a couple of others) to draw the design on the box. This was just a short meeting and that's what we've got so far.

The care values I showed in this meeting were: Community, Active Thinking, Excellence and Respect.

Monday, 27 November 2017

Wellington trip #9 Part 4

Wellington trip #9                             28/11/2017

                                                                  Day 4 (final day)

Today is the final day, so before starting breakfast we had to gather our things in our bunk room together and move out. Today we are one group so we get to go around Wellington with Tracy (finally).
Our activities we are doing are: The national library of New Zealand... 
The botanic gardens, and the cable cars, and flying back on the plane to Christchurch.

Starting with the cable cars, they were really fun to ride and some people had to stand up because we had to share with the public but me, Alex and Tracy got seats facing each other so it was all okay for getting up there, then we walked, once we got to the top, to a playground that we stayed at for around 40 minutes while everyone hung around and played at the playground in the botanic gardens, then finally we caught a bus and went to the airport and while we waited for our flight we took pictures with the dragon from lord of the rings, Smaug:

Then we had our flight and we travlled back safely and now i'm writing to thank everyone for this awesome trip and I had so much fun so thank you!!

Wellington trip #7 Part 3

Wellington trip #7                          21/11/2017

This is the third blog post on our trip to Wellington so if you have not already seen the one before this you can use this link to get it.
                                             Day 3
Today was the third day so we are doing what the other group did yesterday, so today they are doing we did yesterday in return. What they did which we are doing is; Going to parliament for the normal tour, seeing Te Papa floors 1-3, and going to Capital E.
We are really excited for capital E because group 2 said it was awesome!
Starting with parliament, we met Ruth Dyson and she told us about the tunnel under ground that goes from Bowen House to the Beehive so the prime minister and other ministers don't get swarmed by news reporters on their travels...
We actually got to go in there too so we experienced what most other schools don't get to see when they go there. 

In Te Papa (the national museum of New Zealand) we saw amazing things and sculptures about World War 1 in the exhibition that was on at the time. In Capital E we did some really cool stuff and I was the vision mixer so I did the transitions and got the cue from the director to change screens for different parts (e.g weather news etc...) of the live production going on.

Part 2 of 4

Our trip to wellington.

Wellington trip #6 Part 2

Wellington Trip #6                             20/11/2017

                                Day 2

Carrying on from the blog I did before this about our Wellington Trip... The next day we split off into two group, unfortunately Tracy got split into the other group with Mr. Brown and Mr. Muller; and me and Alex went into Mr. Lad
|brooks group. But that was all fine, today we were going to Parliament to do a role-play of how it works and we also got fish and chi[s afterwards that you can see in the photo here:

we also went to the reserve bank which was actually across the road.There we talked about different banks and what the reserve bank does and every question he'd ask that we were to get correct, we get a lollipop. So that was nice.
We ended the day with Going along the waterfront to the building Capital E was in and instead of doing it the first day we did something which was called the Media Lab and we did 3D computer games which was good too.

Part 2 of 4

Our trip to wellington.

Next blog post coming soon.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Plan and conduct investigations using the statistical inquiry cycle

Plan and conduct investigations using the statistical inquiry cycle.                      21/11/2017

Screenshots for IXL tasks:

Links to activities:

1. Coming up with a Question
2. Planning a fair investigation
3. Gathering Data from the investigation
4. Analyzing the data
5. Presenting the data

Modelling Book: Plan and conduct investigations using the statistical inquiry cycle

Scales, timetables and Charts

Scales, timetables and Charts

In Maths we have been learning to interpret and use scales, Timetables and charts.

Here is a link to our online modelling book.

These are the activities that I have completed as part of this learning.

  • When and weather - the evidence of this is in my book.
  • Roundabout Rugby - the evidence of this is in my book.

My next Step is to apply the new knowledge that I have gained to real life situations eg using airport/bus timetables.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Wellington Trip #5 Part 1

Wellington Trip #5                            20/11/2017

                                        Day 1

We went to wellington on the 13th of November 2017.
We journeyed on a plane to the north island where we came in to land at the capital of New Zealand; Wellington Airport.
The first day we stayed in one group and went to the national war memorial:

There we learn't about World War one (WW1) and how 
Will (a person that was in world war one wrote the story about how they survived out there and where they went and how they fought which was cool to learn about.

Next we came back to the YHA and had dinner (which was subway) and then had a long walk around the city center and learned about places we would be going the next day (like parliament) and then we had supper afterwards which was hot chocolate and biscuits and it was delicious!!

Part 1 of 4

Our trip to wellington.

Next blog post coming soon.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Playing Tag #4 (Other)

                                  Playing Tag #4                               1/11/2017

Today Tracy, Alex and I found someone on the field and we asked her what was wrong. She said that had no one to play with so we let her play in our tag game (Empathy) we were playing with most of the year 7's. We had an awesome time and I'm sure the person did too (collaborating and connecting. She wants to hang out with us more so we will let her play with us in future when she wants too.

Chorus Box Meeting #8

Chorus Box Meeting #3                       31/10/2017

Today all the student leaders met with Valerie from the City council, we talked about the final preparations for the chorus box design. The happily chose my sketch as what should go on the box so I am especially excited!
She brought in paints and other materials like chalk, brushes, cloths/rags and more to paint with. 
After our awesome trip to Wellington we shall do more around the chorus box painting.

The care values I showed in this meeting were: (collaborate + connect) Community, (ask questions) Active thinking, respect and (self aware + resilient) excellence!