Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Student Leaders #6

Student Leaders #6                        23/5/2017

There is a new roster for the flags and bins job (we discussed this at the meeting at morning tea yesterday). Every even week I am on in the mornings for flags and bins, along with Tracy, Sophie, Natasha and myself. Then on the even weeks the other half of the house captains (Emily, Cormac, Alex and Amelia) do the afternoon bins. And to make it all fair we swap on the odd weeks... (we do the afternoon stuff on an odd week and the others do the mornings on an odd week).

Monday, 22 May 2017

Flags and bins Job

                 Flags and bins Job             22/5/2017 

 I came to school in the morning and found out the flags and bins hadn't been done; I'm not on in the morning so I wanted to know what was up. It turned out that someone who does it in the morning, wasn't here today, probably sick, and the others in the morning had "forgotten" or something. So Mr. Ladbrook called all the house captains together and we talked about how no one had done them. He told us we all had to go do them NOW, so we did. It was very cold today so I didn't really want to go outside but I did anyway. 

I went with Tracy who had just got to school and hadn't even done the roll yet. I did two of the flags (Active Thinking and Excellence) and as I was doing them I realized that there are only 3 morning people and 5 afternoon people because someone switched to afternoon which meant it was unbalanced so we're going to sort this out today in our Student Leader meeting at morning tea.

Cross country

                        Cross country                17/5/2017

Oaklands School journeyed to Westlake park to begin their cross country. Our bags were all packed; lunch, drink bottle, jacket etc. The House Captains (us), were all carrying cricket bats for the games are are going to play with the other year levels. Before we went down in the long line  of kauri students we spread ourselves down it to act as parent helpers because there weren't enough. I'm looking forward to running in the cross country with all my friends! 

When we got there it was very cold and there was a slight wind. We (all the house captains) split off the group and started unpacking and getting ready for their games. The rest of the school arrived and we all went back to sit in the area we were supposed to sit in (the athletes zone)!

The first runners up were the year 4's! While the year 6's went to go play their game with the other House Captains. After a while of wandering around the place, I did my game with the year 7/8's and then we got ready for our run! I was waiting for a friend to get out of the bathroom and we almost missed the start because they had already lined up and were all ready to go in their lines... we got there just before the first of the year 7/8's went off (the year 7 girls). The year sevens went, then shortly after the year 7 boys, then us, finally the year 8 boys after that. 

We were all off running, I didn't go full speed because I was savoring my energy for later on in the race. I ran with my friends; we said we would all run together but if someone stops running and walks then we could just keep going on because we didn't want to wait for our friends. :P

This is Part 1,

The care values we all showed were all of them because that is what we were supposed to do!

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Student Leaders #5

                       Student leaders #5       11/5/2017

We have been told to go into google classroom to put a picture/video/some text about the city council and what they do. I've been planning to take a picture of the park across the street from my house because the city council comes once a month to mow the grass there. I've also seen them dealing with a job over there that was about someone driving all over the grass there in a vehicle at night. I know this because I went there the next morning and saw the tyre tracks and a city council truck doing stuff there. 
I will probably take the picture after school.
The care values I will show at the park should be all of them. :)

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Find factors of numbers to 100 and common multiples of numbers to 10

Find factors of numbers to 100 and common                     multiples of numbers to 10           

Assessment Task:

1. Find all the factors of 16
The factors of 16 are: 16,1,2,8,4

2. Find all the factors of 20

The factors of 20 are: 20,1,2,10,4,5

3. Fill in the missing factors below:




Here are the 3 screenshots to my IXL activities:

My next step is... To use this knowledge to help me solve a variety of different maths problems.

Square numbers to 100 and their matching square roots.

Square numbers to 100 and their matching square roots.

In Maths we have been learning:
Square numbers to 100 and their matching square roots.

This is part of our Number Knowledge.
It is important to just know these as we can use this knowledge in other areas of maths.

Here are the IXL screenshots that show evidence of my learning.  

Here is an image of my Square Root Chart that can be found in my Maths book.

My next  step in Maths is to use this new knowledge to help me solve problems in a variety of other areas of Maths.

Student Leaders #3

Student Leaders #3                       11/4/2017

We had a meeting to decide who has done their role properly. I, for one, had; which meant I could play the game with the others who had done their role properly that term. All the student leaders got to, I forgot which game we played but i remember it being fun. Overall this week has been pretty good. The care values i showed in and out of the game were community (connecting and collaborating), Active thinking (questioning "How do we play this game then?"), respect (communicating), and excellence (being resilient).

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Current Events Term 1

Current Events Term 1

In Current Events I covered these topics:
  • The design of the Halswell Skate Park and I made a submission to the council.
  • Donald Trump’s Refugee Plan
  • Christchurch Earth Memorial
  • The new Ngā Puna Wai Sports Facility
  • The Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan with a submission to the council.

My favourite topic was the Red Zone Planning because we can learn about what else is happening in our city other than in our community and we can show what we would like to see done there by writing a few thoughts to the city council.

Here is a link to my learning on the Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan:

The Reading National Standard I have achieved is:

  • Year 9/10
    • As I read I can make decisions about the usefulness of the text for the purpose - Eg: by using a variety of criteria to evaluate.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Know the equivalent decimal and percentage forms for everyday fractions.

Know the equivalent decimal and percentage forms for everyday fractions.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2017-04-12 at 9.57.00 AM.png

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 2017-04-12 at 10.34.19 AM.png

Student leaders #4

Student leaders #4                                 1/5/2017

We had the first meeting of term 2 this week at morning tea time. We were given some work to do about the city council because we are having a trip there (in maybe week 5) which sounds fun, we will get to see what the city council does!
Anyway the work we have to complete is we have to take either a picture, video or write something about what we think the council does. I think I will take a picture of the park across the street because i know they take care of that because every few weeks a city council truck pulls up and the cut the grass.
In this meeting the care values we all showed were communication, connecting ideas and questioning about the trip.

Term 1 Novel Study - Castaway

Term 1 Novel Study

This term I have been reading and studying the novel: Castaway

I found this novel okay because some parts of it I didn't really enjoy reading but some parts really made you think about if you were in that situation.

During the novel I had to complete two major assessment tasks. The first is an Explain Map which shows the consequences of a major event in the book. The second was a Describe++ Map (Inference map) which shows I how I have connected prior knowledge and other experiences to what I have been reading to make an inference.

National Standard for this:

  • Year 9/10 Standard
    • I can monitor my understanding as it develops during my reading, and adjust my strategies to address any comprehension problems Eg: If I don’t understand a passage I have read I can re-read it, read-on, use pictures or diagrams, or explore the meaning of some of the vocabulary.
    • I can use strategies to analyse ideas and information and to reflect critically on the meaning I am gaining from my reading. (Eg: I can think about the meaning of the information and ideas and how this fits with what I think)

Visual Language

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Term 1 Book Review

Term 1 Book Review                              2.5.2017

This story is about the main character, Tris, who lives in a city soon later to be called as Chicago. Their world is divided into five factions; the names of these factions are Dauntless (brave), Erudite (intelligent), Amity (peaceful), Abnegation (selfless) and Candor (Honest). Depending on where these people are born and how they react to the world is which faction their in. The main character was born in Abnegation (the selfless) and moved when she was sixteen to Dauntless (the brave). The people in this futuristic world have no idea if there is anything outside their city boundaries  and no one except the main character wants to find out. She and some others discover the truth about their hidden world.

(Read the book to find out more)