Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Te Reo, Term 4 2016.

Te Reo, Term 4 2016.

This term we have been learning all about the Marae. We have learned that…….

  • The Marae is an important focal point for the community.
  • The Marae is a place where tradition and customs can be carried out.
  • The Marae is a place where people can express their values with dignity.
  • There are many kawa ( protocols) that prevail on the marae.
  • Marae kawa (protocols) can differ between mares and iwi.

We have focused on some key concepts when doing this learning.
These are listed and explained in the table below.

Definition -
give the meaning of these concepts in your own words.
correct procedure of doing something.
A welcoming ceremony to the new visitors.
Tangata whenua
To be natural, at home, comfortable.
New visitors to a Marae.
A place to stand.
relationship, kinship, sense of family connection.
hospitality, kindness, generosity and support!
Means love of all kinds.!

See this video for an explanation of the roles and responsibilities of people on a marae.

Something I would like to learn more about the marae is……...

I'd like to learn about the walls inside a Marae (what the patterns mean (the carvings)

Sunday, 20 November 2016

I can apply simple linear proportions, including ordering fractions.

I can apply simple linear proportions, including ordering fractions.

What did I learn?
I learn't that a fraction and ratio are set out in the same kind of way (2/5, 2:5) and I learn't that fractions are a lot more complicated than I thought they were!

What was challenging?
What I found challenging was Turning improper fractions into mixed numbers by using division and the Compare and Contrast map I did (finding differences and similarities in two of the strategies I've already completed).

Generalise properties of multiplication and division

Generalise properties of multiplication and division.

What did you learn?
I lean't about all the different properties of multiplication
and addition (distributive, commutative, identity, zero and

What did you find challenging?
I found knowing if the question was an associative problem or
distributive problem.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Librarian Duty #10

Librarian Duty #10                          16/11/2016

On Wednesday Brook and I walked to the library and put away some books, thinking we'd be doing the same thing everyday. Surprisingly we were assigned a job I never thought would happen as a Librarian, cutting out old bar codes (plus a bit of the actual page) and ripping out the thing that showed when it was taken out and in before the computer site. Those books are going to classrooms so you don't have to get them out and in from the library and also because those books were old and they didn't belong in the library anymore. Just after we'd finished doing our assigned job it was already time to pack up. The care qualities I showed today were; communication (talking to someone who needed to know where a book was), connecting (to Brook when doing out job), collaboration (Helping Brook do these bar codes) and being self aware. After that I went to go play with my friends.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Librarian Duty #9

Librarian Duty #9                    

Today I turned up on time to my Library Duty and did the books myself until Brook arrived. I showed a junior where a particular series of books were. We sat at the issuing desk and issued and renewed a few books, time flied and it was already time to pack up and tell everyone the library was closed. The care qualities I showed then were; communication (talking with the junior), connecting (which books Brook and I were gonna do) and being self aware (turning up on time).

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Technology #6

Technology #6                                 7/11/2016

Image result for busIn the morning we traveled to technology on the bus, this time the bus was half full because the year eights were in Wellington. I was looking forward to Cooking class! First (after we hopped off the bus) we departed for mandarin, the lesson there was about family members and counting to twenty. Anyway, second, we arrived at cooking class and stepped inside to the deliciously smelling atmosphere. We made pizza potato pile-ups which were delicious and we also created some cheese rolls! Overall i'm loving cooking and i'm looking forward to next time. The leadership qualities I showed there were communication, (communicating to the teacher and people in my group) questioning, (how to make a particular thing) and connecting (to my group when baking).

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Peer mediation #10

Peer mediation #10                             8/11/2016

This peer mediation was with different people because the year eights were in wellington for the week. I did my peer mediation with Charlotte G and Hailey. We walked around the school looking for problems and discussing what leadership positions we wanted to do for next year when we came across three boys that asked if we were the pals. We weren't but they still wanted to play a game (running races) we said "three, two, one GO!" And they took off down the running race tracks. We looked for any more problems around the school. We did this until our duty ended we hung up our vests and went to play at the playground.

Literacy Week!

Literacy Week!                 31/10/2016 - 4/11/2016

Literacy week (or book week) was a great experience! We did stop drop and write every day, so we had a picture prompt or we had to do a 50 word story, or maybe on that day we had a sentence starter. This was one of my favorite things we did: Everyone in the school was told at assembly that "10 golden tickets have been hidden round the school!" It was so exciting. Rumors stated going around the school that "this golden ticket is here" or "I found a golden ticket!" By Friday all the tickets had been found and I hadn't even come close to finding one :( Oh well, anyway more fun stuff happened on this week! Almost forgot about the most important thing! On Thursday we could dress up as our favorite book character. I dressed up as Katniss Everdeen for this particular day. Everyone loved my outfit! Overall i'm really looking forward to next year when we have the next Literacy week! :D

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Librarian Duty #8

Librarian duty #8                                  2/11/2016

Brook and I went to the library, it was crowded! Since book week (literacy week) is on, everyone wanted to go to the library! There was also a space theme and it was really cool! We put away all the books that had been taken out and returned and then sat at the desk and gave out worksheets to everyone. The juniors wanted to do the scavenger hunt, but we had none left so they did a different one. Time flew and it was already time for the library to be packed up. The CARE values I showed today were Community and Respect.

Treaty of Waitangi

                    Treaty of Waitangi          3/11/2016

Here's a link to my treaty of waitangi good slide: 

My google slide.

Here's a link to my compare and contrast map:
Contrast map.

What I found interesting:
I learn't that they still use the treaty today, and that over 40 chiefs signed the treaty which must have been really important. The Maori treaty is different to the English version! There were a lot of complaints about this.

What would you like to find out more about?
I think i'd like to try and figure out what the Maori treaty says differently to the English one!

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Peer Mediation #9

Peer mediation Duty #9                28/10/2016

Today I did my duty with Sophie and Grace, we wandered around the junior area (because that's where all the problems were) and we had little buddies following behind in our footsteps so those two got a bit carried away. But anyway We were searching for problems and I little boy came up to me with his friends and wanted to go to the sick bay because he'd hurt his knee and it was red, so I told him he could take two friends with him to the sick bay because we wouldn't want ten people storming into the office for just one little cut. It was 12:00pm at this time as we walked passed our classroom. Immediately Grace and Sophie took off their vests and said they needed to do something important, but I said we should do our duty. They walked off anyway so I had to do it alone for the next ten minutes. I looked for someone else to do peer mediator duty with me while I looked around but I couldn't find anyone so I felt a bit alone. I came across one other minor problem that's not worth talking about, then I finished up my duty. I went to go play Capture the Flag!
I showed the care values Community, Active thinking, and Excellence.

Amelia and Jacinta's NZ identity (ANZAC Day) Modelling Book

Amelia and Jacinta's NZ identity (ANZAC Day) Modelling Book.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Librarian Duty #7

Librarian Duty #7                             26/10/2016

After I did long distance on the field, I went to the library to do my duty. I got there and Brooke was already there putting books away so I helped her out. Mrs. Ward added more to the pile so we had more to do, we didn't mind. After I placed the books in their rightful order I checked on how everyone was going as I started reading my own book. Time flied as it was already time to pack up and leave. I told everyone the library was closed and I as on my way! 
The C.A.R.E values I showed today were collaborate,(helping Brooke with the books) connecting, (we connected to see who would do which books) questioning, (I asked Mrs. Ward where a book should go) and Communication (because we talked).

Thursday, 20 October 2016



This term we have been learning about Parliament. We have looked at the difference between government and parliament, NZ parliament, who is in government, how our government works and we compared democracy to dictatorship.

Three things that I learned are NZ parliament are:

  • Parliament and government are not the same thing, they are different in many ways.
  • A democracy is where heaps of people can choose what they want to do. A dictatorship is where it's one persons choice to decide and no one gets to decide.
  • The speaker oversees everyone in parliament he can send people out of the room if he needs (wants) too.

Here is the link to my compare and contrast map explaining the difference between democracy and dictatorship.

Monday, 17 October 2016


We went to Koru games in term 3 and played well and fierce.

The girls soccer team had been practicing for the whole of three terms to get ready for the big day. It didn't go as well as we thought, but we fought well, and proud. We played about five schools throughout the whole tournament. We lost all of them accept one was quite special to me. Since a girl broke her leg while we were playing, we could choose weather to keep on playing or do a penalty shoot out. Mrs Alice (our coach) chose penalty shoot out. I had been chosen to be one of the five people that would try to score past their goalie, so far all my team members had failed at that task but when I stood up, I wanted to make my school proud, so I stood up there, got ready, and...
I SCORED A GOAL!!! My first one in the tournament (and the teams only one). On the way back to school I felt good and i'm looking forward to Koru games next year!

Peer mediator Duty #8

Peer mediator duty #8

Sophie and I walked around the school and found no major problems that lunchtime but we still did our duty for the full twenty minutes.

The c.a.r.e values/qualities we showed were communication - for the minor problems, questioning (minor problems) and connecting to those people.

Peer mediator duty #7

Peer mediator duty #7

I did peer mediator duty today with Sophie, there was only one problem which was small, (the people just needed to stay away from each other) so yeah.
We walked around for the whole time then handed the peer mediation stuff to the next people. The  CARE qualities we showed were community, active thinking, and respect because we connected to the people that had the problem, communicated with them to find the problem and questioned what happened!

Friday, 23 September 2016

Peer mediator duty #6

Peer mediator duty #6                       20/9/2016

Today was more eventful than some. I filled in for someone who had forgotten to do their duty with Katie, so I helped out! Before we'd started, we had bumped into some little juniors and one of them was bleeding so Katie took them to the sick bay. Since most incidents happen in the junior area, we went there to see if there were some problems to deal with.

We were right. We dealt with at least two arguments over equipment and then ran out of time so we finished up. Someone had thrown the green vests all over the floor so I picked them up and then we went to play. The learner qualities I showed were Active thinking, because we questioned what had happened. Community, we collaborated on our work (peer mediation). Excellence because we communicated well.

Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references

Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references. 

In this task I had to complete 4 IXL tasks, two from locations maths and two from directions. Then for the assessment task I had to get a treasure map out of a particular book and draw how to get to the treasure on the map in four clues, eg; Move south five kilometers=1

In this maths assignment I learn't how to locate things on a map and I found the four IXL tasks quite challenging.

Here is the link of me doing the treasure map:

Thursday, 22 September 2016

I can take action to improve the water cycle in Canterbury!

I can take action to improve
the water cycle in Canterbury!

In this project I was working with Kate. We decided to create… A story book for younger children!

Here is a link what we made: Rubbish in the ocean - our story book

In this project we decided that our success criteria was: Extended abstract, we can execute our plan and evaluate it.

Overall our project met this criteria because... We finished it on time (we executed it) and we evaluated the plan. (Our story book came out exactly the way we wanted it :)

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Characteristics of Music

I can describe the characteristics of music from songs of a different time and place.

Over the past 7 weeks I have been learning to describe the characteristics of music from songs of a different time and place

I can describe these characteristics in a piece of music…
Timbre, rhythm, harmony, melody and Form.

Here is an example of my learning...

Are all five musical characteristics in these pieces of music?

Musical characteristics from songs from 3 different time periods

I can identify music from a certain time period

Friday, 16 September 2016

Koru Games


The activity I did was:  Soccer (football)

Two highlights of the Koru Games for me were:  
1. I got a goal, not just a goal, the only goal our team got in the whole tournament. I got it in the penalty shoot out when our team tied with Hornby.
2.  I played as hard as I could in the Koru games, probably the most I've ever tried.

I am proud of: Getting a goal, because everyone cheered as the goalie missed and did not save it.

Next year I will: Train to be a goalie because the one this year wasn't quite on point. I will try to be a striker too.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Peer Mediator Duty #5

Peer mediator Duty #5
Today Katie helped me because the others weren't here but we had at least a dozen problems to deal with! The first one was in the juniors on the netball court, there was a girl crying because some other little kids grabbed her skipping rope when she put it on the ground. So we walked over there and asked "What's wrong?" and we got all the information! They agreed to share the skipping rope and play "Slither and jump rope".

The next problem was outside rooms 14 and 15. A boy was crying because he had no one to play with. Luckily, another little boy came and asked if that boy wanted to play with them. He said "okay", problem solved!

The next one was on the courts, someone feel over and some people took him to the sickbay which was fine. Another incident happened and another person feel over and got taken there too.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

The Water Cycle, Information report plan!

The Water Cycle, Information report plan!

The water cycle is a complicated process that water goes through. It gets recycled over time as there is no end to it. The steps that water experiences are: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipatation and Runoff/groundwater. Let's go find out what happens!

It is the step that takes water from natures beautiful liquid life; the ocean!When the suns beams collide with the sea it heats up and turns into gas! This works even better on a hot summers day.

When evaporation has done it's part condensation comes in and forms clouds out of the evaporation. Did you know condensation isn't always up in the sky as those big white puffy things you see in the sky. Oh no, they are also responsible for ground level fog as well. These clouds that you see can be made of water AND ICE! What happens when condensation has formed these incredible clouds? Do they stay up there? No, so let's go find out what happens!

This long word just means that it's rain, hail, sleet or snow falling from the sky, anything really that falls from the sky due to gravity. (gravity plays a big part in the Water Cycle) After the clouds have been formed and they have gotten as full as possible and gone dark or gray, that's when precipatation happens! The sleet, snow, rain or hail that falls, goes all the way back to earth! But where does that liquid/solid go?

The water sinks into either dirt/soil or rocks (most likely soil or dirt!) It travels underground from then on, until it comes across a river or stream and with that it heads off back down to the ocean! But no, that's not where it ALL goes! The water that has sunken into the ground can either go to the river/stream OR head even further down through the cracks in the soil or rock to the center of the earth!

Overall the water cycle is a great part of life that helps us live! From the suns beams that heat the water, to the fluffy white clouds in the sky, and the rain, hail, sleet, or snow that falls and finally the water that travels under or on top of the world. What would we ever do without the water cycle!

CARE: My progress so far

CARE: My progress so far!

The CARE award that I am working towards is:  Silver

The one area of CARE that I am doing best in is:  community/classroom         because: That's the column that the teachers most give out care ticks from!

The one area of CARE that I need to work harder in is:   Assembly           because: The only way you can get ticks from that is if you get an assembly pozi!

To show my leadership qualities I am a role model to others in the CARE values by doing/showing these leadership traits: community, active thinking, respect and exellence?

On the CARE SOLO matrix below I am at this SOLO level: Extended abstract.            because: I know all the care values and if i need to, I can role model them to others.





Extended Abstract
I am not aware of the CARE values yet.
I know what the CARE values mean.

I need help to use them.
I can use the CARE values.

I need reminding to use them.
I can use the CARE values independently.
I can use the CARE values independently.

I can role model to others how to use the CARE values.

Monday, 29 August 2016

I can recognise and understand a variety of grammatical constructions and some rhetorical patterns

I can recognise and understand a variety of grammatical constructions and some rhetorical patterns

In this unit I have been learning about:
  • The parts of speech.
  • The types of nouns.
  • The types of sentences.

In this unit, I found challenging…
Knowing the nouns off by heart, like common, proper, collective and abstract!
I had a slow start off with this because the one after knowing the nouns worksheet:
was quite hard because I didn't know what the nouns mean't!

Something new I learnt was...
There were fur different types of nouns (proper, collective, common, and abstract) and four different types of sentences (command, question, statement, exclamation).

Friday, 29 July 2016

Peer Mediator Duty #4

Peer Mediator Duty #4

Today was an eventful day at lunchtime on duty. First we did a quick round of the school looking for problems, none. When we got back and were about to finish up, someone was sitting on the senior classroom steps with tears rolling down her cheeks, she looked lonely. Sophie and I, went up and asked "What is wrong?" Then she told us...

Her friends said they wanted to talk together by themselves, so she let them. They went at least five meters away and started whispering in each others ears. The girl who was crying thought they were talking about her, so she scooted over there and said "are you finished?" they said "NO!" then they kept on talking. Finally one girl said "My mum doesn't want me to hang out with you anymore." The girl crying didn't like what she said so she said "Your mum is mean!" the girls whispering got insulted by that and ran away.

Sophie and I thought that this wasn't good, so we followed the girl clearing up her tears, to the playground where they were. We slowly sorted it out getting both stories from each of them then decided that they might not want to play with each other again.

The C.A.R.E values I showed were Respect, community and Active thinking because I connected and communicated with them and questioned what happened. :D

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Librarian Duty #6

Librarian Duty #6                                27/7/2016

Today at the library, Brook, yet again, didn't show up, she came later and did the rest of the books for me while I finished up the huge pile of books I was doing. I found another book that my sister liked to read so I issued it for her on my account and took it home (she read the whole chapter book in one hour!)

I showed the C.A.R.E values of Excellence when communicating at school with my sister in the Library respectfully. I also Empathised with her about what other books she'd like.

Another lovely day in the library :D

Assessment task: Use side or edge lengths to find the perimeters and areas of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles.

 Use side or edge lengths to find the perimeters and areas of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles.

Problem 1.

  • So basically the gardeners have 36 slabs to make a rest area in the middle of a lawn.
  • To make it easy to mow they want the area around the slabs (the perimeter) to be a rectangular shape.
  • They want the least space possible around the slabs.
What I have to answer: What arrangement of the tiles gives the smallest possible perimeter? Can you explain why this happens?

Answer: Probably 4 (base) x 8 (height) Or the other way round. Other ways are 10 by 2, 6 be 6 and 1, 11, I think.

Problem 2.

Question: If the gardeners had 48 tiles, how would they arrange them?

Answer: 6 (base) x 8 (height). I don't know if this is the answer but I have checked twice and am sure.

Problem 3.

Someone has a garden that measures 30 by 20. She wants to fertilise her garden. Each bag covers approximately 200 metres square. 

Answer: 3 Bags, because 30 x 20 = 600 and the bags cover 200, so 200 x 3 is 600.

My CARE Progress!

My Care Progress!

I have done a check of my CARE progress so far this year.

I am proud of my progress/ I am doing ok/ I feel I could do much better.
Since I only started last term I have caught up well and am quite close to getting my
Bronze award, I think!

How far away are you from reaching your BRONZE/SILVER?
To get a highlighted one I need to have done 3 care ticks for that value.
I have: 28 highlighted. So I need: 8 To go (if i have done the maths correctly :)

The area of CARE that I need to try harder in C / A / R / E
I highlighted every one because they are all the same. (I have just as many in each value!)

To achieve my BRONZE/SILVER award quicker I need to listen to when the teachers award one to me and remember which one it was, and record it!

The one thing that I can do to improve my progress in CARE is, I need to listen to when the teachers award one to me and remember which one it was, and record it!

We will review CARE progress again at the end of the term.

Friday, 8 July 2016

Term 2 Te Reo Reflection!

Term 2 Te Reo Reflection





Extended Abstract
I can say 1-5 words about celebrations in te Reo Maori.  
With help, I can ask and answer several questions about celebrations, using te Reo Maori.
I can ask and answer several questions about celebrations,using Te Reo Maori.
I can ask and answer a range of questions about celebrations,using Te Reo Maori. I can teach others these questions and answers.

In Te Reo this term I have been learning about using vocabulary around food (Kai) and celebrations (Ngā hākari)

Here are some sentences, with english translation in brackets, that I can say confidently (list 3-4).

He aha te mea pai, ki a koe kei to pāti? (What do you like about your party?)

He rā whānau ki a koe He rā whānau ki a koe He rā whānau ki a .......... He rā whānau ki a koe. A happy birthday to you A happy birthday to ...... A happy birthday to you.

Kei te hiakai ahau I’m hungry He pai ki a koe te/ngā _______? Do you like _______? He pai ki a koe te/ngā tīhi? Do you like cheese? Kāore, e pai ki ahau te/ngā tīhi. I don’t like cheese. Āe, he pai ki ahau te/ngā tīhi. Yes, I like cheese.

Whaea: Whakatika te tēpu koutou. ( correct the table )
Child 1: He aha ō mātou pirangi? ( what do we need?)
Whaea: "Tama".......tīkina atu he paraoa,"Hine"......tīkina atu he pata,"Paora".....tīkina atu he mīti,"Tīpene"......tīkina atu he pata pīnati,......& so on.
Tama,Hine,Paora, & Tīpene are all names of people.
Make up some other characters if you like and give them all the same command....."tīkina atu he","go away and fetch"
When they have returned with their item have them say "ānei he (item)".....(here is the________ ).
Whaea: Ae!.......kā pai tō koutou mahi. ( good job you lot )