Wednesday 6 July 2016

I can apply my knowledge of adverbial clauses and connectives to see how ideas are linked in texts.

Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 11.04.56 am.pngI can apply my knowledge of adverbial clauses and connectives to see how ideas are linked in texts.

For reading I have been learning about adverbial clauses. I have found this learning quite easy because we use these words and punctuation in everyday writing and reading!

In this activity (I can add adverbial clauses to a sentence), I had to replace the adverbial clause in the sentence with a different one and find out which adverbial clause goes in which sentence.
I also had to add an adverbial clause at the end of each small sentence in the activity to the argument, (I made it a fight over a teddy bear!) and adding a reporting clause makes it even better!

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